If you like to DO WHAT YOU LOVE – then Whistling Woods International is the place to be !

WWI follows a flat and professional organization structure where creativity, passion for excellence and commitment are valued. We take the effort to incubate and nurture creativity of our people and allow them to blossom.

This is truly a workplace that allows you make your own path, and establish your identity amongst a sea of professionals. Exciting new challenges appear every day, and we are proud to say that our people always rise to the occasion.

We hire people who are passionate about what they do, and who live our brand pillars of accepting no limits, thinking alternatively, and doing what they love.

Our employees are from diverse backgrounds, talents and experiences. They are encouraged to think independently and yet share an insight into cross-functional collaboration! There is a commitment to delivering quality results, and the desire to keep growing professionally.

So whether you’re looking for an internship, post graduate opportunities, or a job opening to progress your professional career, at WWI you can shape your own career growth path.

Email us: hr@whistlingwoods.net

Call: 022 6271 6070 /6222

Open Position

Roles & Responsibility:

  • Working with HoDs to create and update undergraduate and postgraduate curricula.
  • Any curriculum work required by the industry/other stakeholders.
  • Liasoning with the university for any curriculum related queries, curricula updates etc
  • Reviewing all curricula to confirm that all stakeholders are following the right curriculum at the start of the semester.
  • Mapping and scheduling of common classes across all schools.
  • Faculty allocation, interviews and hiring for common courses.
  • Faculty orientation and liasoning between faculty taking the same courses, HoDs, HR and coordinators.
  • Creating templates for marking criteria, lesson and session plans, grading criteria, assignments, question paper formats etc to maintain uniformity.
  • Working with HoDs to select appropriate end term paper templates, ensuring common papers have the same question papers, and reviewing final papers.
  • Meeting students who haven’t submitted internal assignment creating rationale and tests for student’s elections for filmmaking.
  • Creating student transfer reports, creating rationale and liasoning between parents, students, HoDs and universities.
  • Working with transfer students each semester (internal and international) to identify gaps, administer assignments/exams, putting them in touch with concerned faculty and following up during the semester to monitor progress.
  • Teaching culture studies each semester student’s selections: devising a process with a rationale, creating papers and assessment rubrics, delivering and creating workshop plans for students pre-selections, selection and orientation of facilitators.
  • Curriculum design and update: overviews, unit and session plans, handouts, assessment documents including blueprints, question papers and scoring guides for internal and external assessments liasoning between 4 agencies.
  • Evaluation and monitoring: trainings and evaluations via visits to schools, the Delhi
  • board office, the ACER office etc
  • Curriculum review committees:
  • formation, selection, spearheading committee meetings etc
  • Student engagement, events, exhibitions etc
  • Teacher interviews, mock sessions and selections, teacher trainings, feedback sessions etc

Skill Sets Required:

  • Curriculum Designing & Management
  • Good Communication Skills
  • University, School Co-ordination
  • Open for learning