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How To Become A Fashion Designer in India

1. Complete Fashion Degree

It’s basically mandatory to hold a degree from a fashion designing institute for a fashion designer.

2. Gaining Hands-On Experience

Pursue internship or industrial training opportunities. Working with small brands helps develop a more comprehensive portfolio – one where you are involved in many stages of the product formation process.

3. Industry Networking

As in any artistic field, networking helps fashion designers exponentially. From getting professional opportunities to securing clients to advancing one’s career, networking holds high importance in this industry.

4. Having a Design Portfolio

An obvious but underrated step that can help you give an edge. A portfolio is a representation of yourself, and in the field of design, it is the first thing anyone sees when you network or look for a job.

5. Updated with Fashion Industry Trends

The fashion industry changes frequently, and it’s of utmost importance that one stays up-to-date with the new trends. If not, then there is a chance you’d lag behind the rest.

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